This is just a short entry to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and to let you know that I have not forgotten this blog, even though it may seem I have neglected it of late. This has been due to technical issues and inordinate demands on my time because of family matters and travel. But Shakespeare has been with me all along, and I am now nearing completion of the Collected Works, even though I have not been able to post entries lately. These will appear again soon and in chronological order. I have decided after that to continue the Shakespeare blog and write about various other aspects of his life and work than just the plays, poems and film adaptations that have formed the bulk of this year's posts. I quickly realised that there is just so much that can and should be addressed when it comes to Shakespeare, and one never really finishes with him. So, until the next entry (which will concern
Henry V), may I wish you all a very Happy Christmas!